
The craziest 15 months ever

Yes, the past 15 months have been by far the craziest known to modern man (no, that's not sexist, it's just a phrase).

The Corona Virus sure has a lot to answer for. The question is, are you coming out of this weaker/more fearful or better than ever before?

I can say with hand on heart this has been my best period of growth ever.

Whilst watching people around me literally crumble to dust, I have become stronger emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. So how have I done this. I made a decision not to let all the bullshit get to me, and let's face it, there's been so much bullshit. 

It's high time people picked themselves up, dusted themselves off and started taking back responsibility for their lives, as opposed to being told how to think (without question) and what to do.

Life doesn't happen to us, it happens for us and this situation is the greatest opportunity to grow and prosper.

It's time to do, or die!

Kind Regards Howard